7 Stages of Software Development Process

7 Stages of Software Development Process

7 Stages of Software Development Process


There are various stages involved in software development. Software development involves the process of creating and maintaining an application. The software development stages are the processes involved to make sure that the software is a successful finished product. There are different types of the software development process which include the modern and the traditional methodologies. The modern processes are described as agile while the traditional ones include waterfall and prototyping among others. Below are software development cycle examples.


  1. Planning


Planning is one of the most critical software development cycle examples. In the planning stage, the goals of the project are developed, and they work towards achieving those goals. In planning, various things are involved, and they include identifying the software outsourcing projects available, assessment and coming up with the plan that will be followed to ensure the goals are met. The team members also identify possible problems that may occur during project development. When you outsource projects from Osbay they will always communicate to make sure you are satisfied.


  1. Analysis


In the analysis, several activities take place. The software developers gather all the requirements for the project. Then they perform an analysis of everything involved. In the analysis stage, work is divided, and the participants get a chance to evaluate their duties. They then determine if the project is possible while putting factors such as cost and time into consideration. Innovative Architects allows the team members to add or remove anything before going to the next stage.


  1. Design


The software design is one of the software development cycle that will determine how the final product will look like. Therefore it is important to consider experienced companies like DESIGNRUSH. The design should be attractive and creative. Several things are done in this stage. The features of the projects are defined; the rules are set up, screen layout and the designing of the IT system. The IT system is given responsibilities in this stage to make sure that there are no errors and poor performance from some members of the team.


  1. Development


The development stage involves putting all the other stages into action. The real work begins at this stage. In this stage, teamwork is required to come up with the software. Various coders are involved in this task, and each is given their task. The main activities are coding and software creation. In this state, the software developers are provided with all the requirements they need which include both software and hardware. Once all the materials are ready, the actual coding starts within the given documentation.


  1. Testing


The testing stage comes after the application has been developed. It is an important stage as it will determine if the software will go to the market or not. Testing also ensures that companies provide their customers with quality applications. For testing to be done, a company has to have some testing procedures that the software should pass through. If there are errors and bugs, the software will not go to the market, but it will be returned to the team. However, if the software is free from errors, it goes to the next stage. You can use software development outsourcing models such as TestLodge



  1. Deployment


In the deployment stage, the software is made available to the clients. The clients can start using the software immediately. In this stage, the company needs to make sure that all data and features are available to the users. Once the software is delivered to clients, the company should find out if clients are experiencing any challenges or bug and reports it to the team. Once the changes are made, the software is made available to the clients again. It is important to make sure that the software is well tested before making it available to clients. For this stage, the best countries to outsource software development are those that have the highest percentage of application users and high levels of technology.


  1. Maintenance


It is the last process in software development cycle examples. The maintenance process is an ongoing process as it is meant to make sure that the software operates smoothly. Through maintenance, the company can make updates, corrections, and improvements to the software to meet the goals that were set in the planning process. When software is well maintained it means that there are no issues and when clients report any feedback, they work on it.


It is important to follow the above software development cycle examples to provide top quality software to users. As a business owner, the best way is to consider outsourcing software development projects from reliable companies such as Osbay. It is important to know the outsourcing software development pros and cons before hiring a company. One of the main advantages of these processes is that they ensure that the software development system follows the guidelines that have been set. Each stage is important and should not be overlooked.


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